Category: Networking Strategy

The Law of Attraction: Can you manifest your success?

The mainstream popularity of the Law of Attraction has grown over the last decade with the release of books like The Secret that break it down into its simplest ideas. While I certainly don’t claim to be an expert, there are certain elements that do seem to have some real value, especially for professionals wanting […]

The Networking Mistakes That Can Sabotage Success

Networking is an important activity for driven professionals. It can help them to build their brand, expand their opportunities, and grow their business. While most professionals have the best intentions when it comes to networking, there are some common mistakes that can dramatically limit their success. The more aware professionals are of these errors, the […]

Networking Mindsets for Greater Success

What makes some people great networkers while others seem to struggle? They may be going to the same events, even meeting the same people, but one gets more positive results than the other. Often, the difference isn’t so much in what they’re doing but in what they’re thinking. Our mindsets about networking can significantly impact […]

The Importance of Building Strong Communication Skills

We’ve been focusing on time-management and productivity strategies in this blog for a while now, and this week, we want to shift gears a bit to an equally important subject area — communication skills. Going forward, we’ll be sharing thoughts on all things communication, and this week, we wanted to dive into why these skills […]

Marketing To Seniors Online

There are more seniors online than you may think and not tailor your marketing efforts toward the older demographic may result in a loss of potential clients. According to statistics, 59% of adults age 65 or older are now internet users, 47% have high-speed broadband, and 77% have a cell phone. Research also states that […]

Tips To Improve Your Visibility On Pinterest

Pinterest has grown tremendously over the last few years, and was the fastest social network to attract 10-million unique viewers in the U.S. each month. The site allows users to bookmark interests by posting topics or “pinning” images and videos to their “board”. For more information about the importance of images and how they can […]

Tips To Manage Negative Social-Media Feedback

To paraphrase John Lydgate, you can’t please everyone all the time. As more people begin to utilize the internet and social-media to communicate with businesses and one-another, there are bound to be miscommunications. As anyone who’s ever received negative feedback through Yelp or on their own pages can attest, it can be a frustrating, anxiety-inducing […]

Tips for A Successful LinkedIn Company Page

Research has proven that consumers are more likely to purchase from companies that have an active online presence. LinkedIn is among the most trusted resources for professionals on the internet. Every company that strives for a professional web presence should create a company page on LinkedIn. A consistently updated LinkedIn page will help increase engagement […]