Facebook: Tips and Tricks For Realtors and Mortgage Professionals

As of July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. So if you’re among those who still don’t believe they need to incorporate social media into their networking strategy, ask yourself how many people you’re reaching with your current marketing approach. If the number is anywhere south of 700,000, it might be time to register for a Facebook fan page and give online marketing a try.

With a little time and effort, your Facebook page will quickly increase your ability to communicate with your community, advertise your services, network with other professionals, and meet people who may be looking to buy a home or refinance a loan.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your new Facebook page …

Invite Your Friends, Contacts, And Clients: You can’t attract people to your page without first letting them know it’s there. Invite everyone on your contact list to become a fan of your page. Then add a “Become a Fan” button to your website or blog and watch your visibility grow.

Take out an Ad: Sure, it’ll cost you but setting up a small ad on Facebook can lead to new fans and further promotion of your page. Add an image and a catchy headline and start cultivating the resulting relationships. More here.

Share Information: Share links and articles to establish yourself as an expert in your area. Post business updates on your wall. Include your newsletter subscription information on your page. Post info on upcoming events. Start a group page for your community. Ask questions. Answer questions. Get involved.

Customize Your Page: Add applications. Facebook provides easy-to-use applications that allow you to connect your page to your blog, Twitter, Flickr, and many other social-media sites. The more content and connectivity, the more opportunities there will be for people to find you and your fan page.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network / www.theibisnetwork.com

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website

Visit: https://www.theibisnetwork.com/networkingsuite.html

If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here: http://theibisnetwork.wordpress.com/want-your-own-real-estate-blog-for-free/

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here: http://theibisnetwork.wordpress.com/want-your-own-mortgage-blog-for-free/

10 thoughts on “Facebook: Tips and Tricks For Realtors and Mortgage Professionals

  1. William Hildreth

    Great notice, here are some interesting stats from recent study in my Province, 97% of internet activities starts on a search engine, 87% of population has high speed internet and two PCs in their home, by 2012 97% of population will have high speed internet, 275000 people of a population of 1.2 million watched videos on U-Tube, average age of Facebook 53 years. I was surprised to say the least Print Advertising is too expensive, Yellow Pages are failing and expensive, you must plan to have an ROI for time and money

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