10 Tips For Using Your Facebook Fan Page

10 tips from the co-founder and CEO of Sprout

1. Don’t Lose New Visitors
2. Provide Fresh Content
3. Give Your Audience A Reason To Become A Fan
4. Update Away – But Put Yourself In The Fan’s Shoes
5. Be Smart With Your Images
6. Encourage Interaction In Your Posts
7. Nothing Spreads The Word Like Photos
8. Monitor And Engage
9. Determine Your Strategy In Advance
10. Treat Your Fan Page Like An Online Ad And Optimize

Click here for full article. From iMedia Connection.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network / www.theibisnetwork.com

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1 thought on “10 Tips For Using Your Facebook Fan Page

  1. Pingback: Three Strategies For Getting Your Facebook Fan Page Found « The Ibis Network

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