Tag: Search Engines

Twitter Offers Advanced Marketing Tools

Twitter is one of the most popular social-media platforms available, with many businesses taking advantage of the free advertising the site offers. Over the last several months, Twitter has been promoting more advanced advertising options allowing users a greater opportunity to market to a bigger audience. Many Twitter users are unaware of the sites advertising […]

The What, Why, And How Of Facebook Fan Pages For Business

  Here’s the thing … Telling yourself that Facebook is child’s play and there’s no way you could benefit from setting up a fan page isn’t going to build your business or attract any new clients. In fact, businesses both big and small are finding new ways to generate leads and potential business through social […]

House Cleaning: An End Of The Year Guide To Social Media Maintenance

  If you’ve ever been a child, you know that making a mess is far easier than cleaning one up. Which is to say, we’ve all been guilty – at one time or another- of putting off the thankless task of cleaning up after ourselves. Cleaning, however, often exposes things previously hidden by clutter and […]

Personal Branding, Social Media, And The Art Of Presentation

  If you’ve ever thought enough not to wear overalls to a business meeting, you know something about personal branding. Which is to say, branding isn’t just for corporate logos, high-profile advertising campaigns, and big-budget marketing efforts. At its root, branding is about how you present yourself, whether you’re a multinational corporation or in business […]

How To Drive Traffic To Your Website And Be Found On Search Engines

On the freeway, traffic is something to be avoided at all costs. On the Internet, traffic is the only way to generate leads and grow your business. Driving traffic to your website, whether through pay-per-click advertising or keeping a blog, means more potential customers visiting your website, learning what you do, and paying you for […]

Content Creation or How To Put The Media in Your Social-Media Campaign

Fortunately, all you need to know about social media is contained right in its name. It’s social, meaning you’ll have to participate and engage your community. And it’s media, meaning it’s a form of communication no different than a radio or television station. The difference is it’s your radio or television station. And that’s where […]

The Benefits of Blogging for Mortgage Professionals

These days, people seek information online before making even the smallest decision. Which means, having a presence on the Internet is vital to building a business in the age of Google, Twitter, and Facebook. And a great way to build that presence is to establish your brand through blogging. Need convincing? Here are some things […]

Blogging: Info, Stats, Tips, Trends, And Links

Blogs have been around since the late 1990s. In those days, blogging was primarily an effort undertaken by computer-savvy diarists seeking online amusement. Eventually, they’d become an important source of news and information on a range of topics from food and shopping to news and politics. Along the way, they also became an important way […]