Tag: Network Www

Top Tips For Properly Presenting Your Business On Twitter

All social-media sites are the same. Really. It’s your info, messages, and updates just wrapped in a different format. And, in that way, social-media is a lot like Mexican food. After all, most of the dishes on a typical Mexican menu are identical. The only thing that changes is the tortilla. The difference between a […]

Twitter for Business: Learning To Listen Before You Tweet

Nobody ever mistook a bird watcher for an athlete. Which is a way of saying, observation doesn’t take any physical effort and can, if you’re a bird watcher, teach you a lot about birds. Twitter is no different. Taking some time to find, follow, and observe people in your industry and community, can better your […]

Three Strategies For Getting Your Facebook Fan Page Found

By now, if you haven’t heard of Facebook, it’s likely because you’re still busy trying to program your VCR or you have a Victrola that needs cranking. Which is to say, it’s everywhere. But how does a professional use Facebook to build their business, generate leads, and meet potential clients? First, you have to set […]

Social Media: How To Find Friends, Fans, and Followers Online

  It’s been said that it not what you know, it’s who you know. And these days, who you know includes your Facebook fans, Twitter followers, and LinkedIn connections. So how do you meet more people online? Here are a few ideas to help you build a bigger online network of friends, followers, fans and […]

5 Essential iPhone, iPad, and Android Apps for Realtors

It used to be that telephones were just for making calls and only Bill Gates and NASA had computers. These days, however, technology has become increasingly affordable, mobile, and handheld. With smartphones, such as the iPhone and Android, and Apple’s iPad, it is easier than ever to access and transmit information from wherever you are. […]

Social-Media Marketing: Promoting Your Online Efforts Offline

To prevent your social-media profiles, posts, and online efforts from retreating into the forgotten corners of Internet obscurity, you’ll have to give them a push into the real world. Sure you can garner some search-engine attention for having consistent content and a presence on all the major networking sites, but, unless you’re delivering your information […]

Twitter: 8 Easy Ways To Maximize Your Tweets

You’d think it would be easy to catch the attention of a few of Twitter’s 54 million monthly visitors with nothing more than a few informative tweets. But being one among Twitter’s 175 million users means you’re likely getting lost in the chatter and not reaching the audience you’d hoped for. Luckily, while Twitter was growing […]

Blogging For Business: How To Attract And Keep An Audience

Chances are, you’ve heard all about the benefits of keeping a business blog. You likely wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t looking to start a blog or build upon an already existing blog. So let’s get right to it. Here are a few tips, thoughts, and ideas that should help you attract readers, and […]