Tag: LinkedIn

The Basics: 57 Social-Media Terms To Learn For Better Business Online

The Internet is an incredible resource but keeping up with an always-evolving online world can be a challenge. Sometimes the lingo alone can stand between successfully implementing a social-media strategy and being overwhelmed by widgets, avatars, and hashtags. Here’s an update of our previous list of basic terms to familiarize yourself with (New terms in bold)  […]

Email Marketing: Crafting Content That Your Mailing List Will Read

For all its high-tech bells and whistles, the Internet is really all about the written word. After all – whether you’re posting to your blog, tweeting, or updating your Facebook page – what you’re really doing is writing. Which means, spending a little time thinking about your writing could make a big difference in the […]

Simple Steps To Help Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile For Business

  If it helps, think of social media the same way you would your refrigerator or kitchen pantry. There are some things you should always have on hand since you’d be hard pressed to cook anything edible without them. And if you don’t cook, we’re talking eggs and butter, sugar or salt. The essentials. In […]

Social-Media Management Or How To Take The Work Out Of Your Network

Whether you’re managing the Chicago Cubs or your local Radio Shack, you’re going to need some organizational skills. Organization is the key to reducing the stress – and amount of work – necessary to manage whatever it is you’re overseeing. And that goes for your social-media accounts too. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with maintaining […]

Generating and Converting Quality Leads Through Social Media

There’s a difference between being popular and being profitable. And the difference is money. In other words, if you’re launching a social-media campaign for your business, you’re likely not in it to make new friends. You’re in it to generate leads and convert them into business. Here are some ideas to help increase the effectiveness […]

Personal Branding, Social Media, And The Art Of Presentation

  If you’ve ever thought enough not to wear overalls to a business meeting, you know something about personal branding. Which is to say, branding isn’t just for corporate logos, high-profile advertising campaigns, and big-budget marketing efforts. At its root, branding is about how you present yourself, whether you’re a multinational corporation or in business […]

Three Email Marketing Tips To Remember Before Hitting Send

Email isn’t any less personal than any other form of communication. It may feel that way because, unlike a telephone or a face-to-face meeting, there isn’t any direct and immediate feedback. But your inbox is your inbox. Which means, you don’t want to spend your time sifting through hundreds of unsolicited and incomprehensible messages any […]

Top Tips For Properly Presenting Your Business On Twitter

All social-media sites are the same. Really. It’s your info, messages, and updates just wrapped in a different format. And, in that way, social-media is a lot like Mexican food. After all, most of the dishes on a typical Mexican menu are identical. The only thing that changes is the tortilla. The difference between a […]

How To Drive Traffic To Your Website And Be Found On Search Engines

On the freeway, traffic is something to be avoided at all costs. On the Internet, traffic is the only way to generate leads and grow your business. Driving traffic to your website, whether through pay-per-click advertising or keeping a blog, means more potential customers visiting your website, learning what you do, and paying you for […]

Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn: Finding The Social Media Site That Works For Your Business

If you were opening a restaurant or shoe store or even a lemonade stand, finding the right location would be among your top priorities. After all, a spot on a popular street with a lot of pedestrian traffic would be more beneficial than, say, holding your grand opening 100 miles from any recognizable sign of […]