Tag: LinkedIn

Is LinkedIn Advertising Right For You?

Virtually every professional search involving business will eventually lead to LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the premier B2B network, and probably the most effective way to market to other businesses and business people. LinkedIn has 332 million members globally with 107 million of those members in the United States. LinkedIn members are all about business. This is […]

The Demographics of Social Media

Location. Location. Location. The only thing that matters. It was key for ad placement in the past, it’s key now, and there’s no reason to think it will ever change. But with the disruptive nature of social media, how can you be sure you’re in the right “location”? Are you receiving the feedback you were expecting from social media? […]

3 Easy LinkedIn Tips For The Busy Professional

  LinkedIn is the most popular professional networking site of the moment. It is almost expected that every company has their own professional page to create authenticity and reliability, though many companies may be unaware of how to use it to better their business. Like any marketing strategy, it takes time to create clear goals […]

3 Effective Ways To Build Your Business Using Linkedin

LinkedIn can be used for more than just finding a new company or career building. Marketers can use the site as a prime way to build business by making connections with influential individuals in their specific industry. LinkedIn company pages are proving to be an excellent way to advertise at no cost. Here are three tips that […]

Top 6 LinkedIn Marketing Tools

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional social-media network with over 175 million professionals utilizing the site. LinkedIn offers an effective way to stay in contact with past and present colleagues while also allowing you to promote your business  This professional network has many positive marketing tools available that every business should be aware of, listed […]

Three Winning Strategies For Social Media Success

Social-media success can sometimes seem like winning the lottery. After all, the potential payout far exceeds the cost to get started. But unlike the lottery, there are social-media strategies you can utilize that will increase your odds of success. Here are a few ways to increase your chances of winning big with social-media … Update, […]