Tag: Focus

Top Tips: Hints and Help For Your LinkedIn Profile

  Think of LinkedIn as the most well-attended networking event the world has ever seen. Then congratulate yourself on finding a way to meet and greet with more than 70 million professionals without having to endure the awkward conversations and business-card exchanges that go along with your regular, run-of-the-mill business gathering. When used correctly, LinkedIn […]

The Basics: Business Blogging For The Busy Professional

  If there’s a television network you watch more than any other, it’s not because they run more commercials than their competitors. It’s because you like their shows. In short, it’s the content. A cable channel devoted to food-related advertising wouldn’t garner nearly as many viewers as any one of the many cooking/food networks. The […]

Three Email Marketing Tips To Remember Before Hitting Send

Email isn’t any less personal than any other form of communication. It may feel that way because, unlike a telephone or a face-to-face meeting, there isn’t any direct and immediate feedback. But your inbox is your inbox. Which means, you don’t want to spend your time sifting through hundreds of unsolicited and incomprehensible messages any […]