Category: Networking Strategy

5 Ways To Grow Your Mailing List For Real-Estate and Mortgage Professionals

Finding ways to keep in touch with potential referral partners and prospective clients is one thing. That means offering interesting information that will ensure your emails don’t become unwelcome inbox clutter soon after reaching their destination. But, before you have the chance to dazzle the members of your mailing list with a monthly newsletter, new […]

Social-Media Marketing: Promoting Your Online Efforts Offline

To prevent your social-media profiles, posts, and online efforts from retreating into the forgotten corners of Internet obscurity, you’ll have to give them a push into the real world. Sure you can garner some search-engine attention for having consistent content and a presence on all the major networking sites, but, unless you’re delivering your information […]

Twitter: 8 Easy Ways To Maximize Your Tweets

You’d think it would be easy to catch the attention of a few of Twitter’s 54 million monthly visitors with nothing more than a few informative tweets. But being one among Twitter’s 175 million users means you’re likely getting lost in the chatter and not reaching the audience you’d hoped for. Luckily, while Twitter was growing […]

Social Media For Realtors: How To Stop Stalling And Start Building A Network Online

Imagine the Internet is a never-ending cocktail party and the guest list includes nearly every prospective client and possible referral partner in your region. Now imagine it’s well known that this cocktail party is where nearly 90 percent of all real-estate transactions begin. Now imagine that this cocktail party is taking place right across the […]

The Benefits of Blogging for Mortgage Professionals

These days, people seek information online before making even the smallest decision. Which means, having a presence on the Internet is vital to building a business in the age of Google, Twitter, and Facebook. And a great way to build that presence is to establish your brand through blogging. Need convincing? Here are some things […]

The Basics: 23 Social-Media Terms To Learn For Realtors And Mortgage Professionals

The Internet is an incredible resource for real-estate and mortgage professionals but keeping up with an always-evolving online world can be a challenge. Sometimes the lingo alone can stand between successfully implementing a social-media strategy and being overwhelmed by widgets, avatars, and hashtags. Here are some basic terms to familiarize yourself with … Active Rain […]

Blogging For Business: How To Attract And Keep An Audience

Chances are, you’ve heard all about the benefits of keeping a business blog. You likely wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t looking to start a blog or build upon an already existing blog. So let’s get right to it. Here are a few tips, thoughts, and ideas that should help you attract readers, and […]

Facebook: Tips and Tricks For Realtors and Mortgage Professionals

As of July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. So if you’re among those who still don’t believe they need to incorporate social media into their networking strategy, ask yourself how many people you’re reaching with your current marketing approach. If the number is anywhere south of 700,000, it might be time […]

Making The Most Of Your Active Rain Profile

Active Rain is the largest and most active social networking site for real-estate professionals. As such, it’s a perfect place to begin refining your online efforts. Use the tips below to maximize your profile or, if all else fails, grab some ideas from the nearly 200,000 profiles currently registered. Start Blogging: Whether or not you […]

LinkedIn Networking Strategies For Realtors And Mortgage Professionals

LinkedIn, the business-oriented social networking site, has registered more than 70 million users in just seven years and a new member signs up approximately every second. Which is to say, if Twitter and Facebook haven’t enticed you into using social media to network and market your services, LinkedIn may be a safe place to start. What […]