
Twitter: 8 Easy Ways To Maximize Your Tweets

You’d think it would be easy to catch the attention of a few of Twitter’s 54 million monthly visitors with nothing more than a few informative tweets. But being one among Twitter’s 175 million users means you’re likely getting lost in the chatter and not reaching the audience you’d hoped for. Luckily, while Twitter was growing in popularity, so were the number of websites aiming to help you get the most out of the wildly popular micro-blogging service.

Here are a few of the more popular, and mostly free options, to maximize your presence in the Twitterverse …

Twitter-Search: The quickest way to find who and what you’re looking for on Twitter. Filter real-time tweets to find people and businesses in your region and industry, then follow the results.

Nearby Tweets: See who’s tweeting what in your area. The simple set-up delivers search results based on a keyword and a location. Search for anything anywhere and see who’s tweeting what near you.

TwitPic: Feeling limited by Twitter’s 140 character maximum? Use TwitPic to share photos with your Twitter followers. If you have a Twitter account, then you’re already signed up for TwitPic. Log in using your Twitter username and password and get started.

TweetStats: Track your stats using this site’s quick-and-easy service.

TweetScan: Another easy-to-use search tool for keeping on top of what’s happening on Twitter.

CoTweet: A popular site for managing your Twitter accounts. Handy for tracking multiple accounts and keeping current with your followers.

Twibs: A Twitter-based business directory, Twibs aims to help businesses reach their customers. It’s as simple as registering your business name, choosing some keywords, and adding links to your email, blog, and website.

Twitdom: A directory of nearly 2,000 available applications and sites offering Twitter-related services.

More Twitter tips from The Ibis Network here, here and here.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

Social Media For Realtors: How To Stop Stalling And Start Building A Network Online

Imagine the Internet is a never-ending cocktail party and the guest list includes nearly every prospective client and possible referral partner in your region. Now imagine it’s well known that this cocktail party is where nearly 90 percent of all real-estate transactions begin. Now imagine that this cocktail party is taking place right across the street and welcomes you to attend in your most comfortable pair of pajamas. Now imagine not making the effort to show up and make some new contacts, all while complaining that business ain’t what it used to be.

Selling anything requires getting in front of potential clients. And social-media sites offer a relatively simple means of accessing thousands of prospects unattainable through traditional efforts.

A few things to think about …

1st-Time Homebuyers: Younger buyers are even more likely to rely on the advice and opinions of their online network of friends, family, followers, and connections when making a big decision. And there’s few bigger than buying a home. Having a social-media strategy means you’re more likely to have made a connection with someone’s aunt, uncle, cousin, mother, or brother along the way. And that aunt or uncle, mother or brother is then more likely to recommend your services.

Previous Clients: Inviting your previous clients to become part of your social network means building a larger online community. And every contact you make online means more exposure, as you also become part of their community of friends, family, and neighbors. After you’ve setup your online profiles, invite your previous clients to join your network and don’t be surprised if they end up doing some of your marketing for you.

Above and Beyond: Once you’ve invited your friends, family, previous clients, and the rest of your personal network, it’s time to reach out beyond the people you regularly contact. Luckily, social media sites make it easier than ever to get back in touch with old friends, former co-workers, and anyone else in your community that might be interested in buying or selling a home. Sending a friend request on Facebook is a lot less awkward than making a phone call out of the blue. And after you’ve established a network online, some of those old acquaintances may lead to new business.

More social-media tips from The Ibis Network here, here, here, here, and here.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

The Benefits of Blogging for Mortgage Professionals

These days, people seek information online before making even the smallest decision. Which means, having a presence on the Internet is vital to building a business in the age of Google, Twitter, and Facebook. And a great way to build that presence is to establish your brand through blogging. Need convincing? Here are some things to consider …

Blogs Generate More Traffic: To establish your business online, you need to show up in search-engine results. And to show up in search-engine results, you need regularly updated content. Search-engines such as Google, Yahoo! And Bing respond to frequent updates. In other words, if you’re blogging, you’re more visible to potential clients and referral partners. You’re also providing an ongoing source for useful, relevant information in your industry that will only increase your chances of setting yourself apart from the field.

Your Blog Is Your Brand: Setting up a blog and updating it regularly is an excellent way of showing potential clients that you’re more knowledgeable, credible, and committed than the competition. A traditional website isn’t updated often, or ever. Which means, that anyone viewing your business website won’t find much more than a short bio, contact information, and some testimonials. A blog offers you the ability to further brand yourself and make an impression while offering them pertinent news, industry info, and chance to build trust in your services.

Your Blog Will Cost Nothing But Time: In comparison to the cost of traditional advertising, a blog will cost you next to nothing. It will, however, require some patience. The most successful blogs have an average age of nearly 34 months. That means, you have to make a commitment to keeping your blog updated with fresh material and you have to keep at it. You can’t write three short blog posts and then get frustrated that the money hasn’t rolled in. Frequent content and time are a winning combination when it comes to creating better search-engine rankings and building a reputation in your community.

For more business blogging tips from The Ibis Network, click here, here and here.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

The Basics: 23 Social-Media Terms To Learn For Realtors And Mortgage Professionals

The Internet is an incredible resource for real-estate and mortgage professionals but keeping up with an always-evolving online world can be a challenge. Sometimes the lingo alone can stand between successfully implementing a social-media strategy and being overwhelmed by widgets, avatars, and hashtags.

Here are some basic terms to familiarize yourself with …

Active Rain – The largest social network for real-estate professionals. Launched in 2006, Active Rain has nearly 200,000 members.

Avatar – The image, picture, or username a person uses to identify themselves on social-networking sites.

Badge – A linked image displayed on a blog that promotes a person’s profiles or participation on other social-media sites, such as Facebook or Twitter.

Blog – A regularly updated website or “web log” that allows a company or individual to post content and interact with readers through commentary, subscriptions, widgets, and syndicated RSS feeds.

Content – Content on any website, including text, pictures, video, and audio materials.

Dashboard – The administrative area on blogs and social-media sites that allows you to edit your information, manage comments, monitor traffic, upload files, etc.

Facebook – The largest social-networking site for individuals and businesses. Facebook has more than 500 million users.

Feeds (RSS Feed) – A program used by a website that allows the user to syndicate their content and provide subscribers with new blog posts and articles without requiring them to visit the site.

Forums – Online forums allow members of social-media sites to interact with other members by posting messages or questions on particular topics.

Groups – Communities within social-media sites that allow users interested in particular topics or activities to share information, posts, and messages with other members.

Hashtag – Used on Twitter, a hashtag is a keyword or phrase preceded by a “#” that helps organize posts, making them easier to find in Twitter searches.

Hyperlink – A navigational reference that embeds a link to a document or page on the Internet.

LinkedIn – A business-oriented social-media site for professional networking. Launched in 2002, LinkedIn now has more than 70 million registered users.

Micro-Blogging – A form of blogging that limits the amount of characters or words per post, such as Twitter.

Profiles and Pages – The pages on social-networking sites where a person or business displays their contact information, pictures, posts, and files.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) – The process of improving and increasing traffic to a website from search engines.

Sidebar – A column or columns along either or both sides of a blog’s main content area that includes widgets, contact and biographical information, links to previous posts and favorite sites, archives, badges, subscription information, RSS feeds, and more.

Social Media – Websites that provide communities with common interests to communicate and engage with one another online.

Subscribing – Signing up for a site’s feed, which automatically sends you new content from that site.

Threads – Messages or posts under a single forum topic or the comments and trackbacks of a particular blog post.

Trulia – A real-estate search engine and networking site that allows professionals to create business profiles and allows consumers to find listings, blogs, and real-estate information.

Twitter – A micro-blogging site where members post “tweets” or messages of 140 characters or less.

Widget – An application offered on social-media sites and blogs that performs a specific function allowing users to customize their profiles or blog.

Source materials here, here, here, and here.

Please check back with for future updates and additions to this glossary.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

Blogging For Business: How To Attract And Keep An Audience

Chances are, you’ve heard all about the benefits of keeping a business blog. You likely wouldn’t be reading this if you weren’t looking to start a blog or build upon an already existing blog. So let’s get right to it. Here are a few tips, thoughts, and ideas that should help you attract readers, and potential business, to your blog …

Think of Your Blog as Your Own TV Station: Like radio and television before it, the Internet is a means of communication. But unlike TV and radio, the Internet allows for equal and inexpensive access. Which means, setting up a blog allows you to broadcast your services, knowledge, and expertise to a larger audience than you ever could through traditional advertising, and at little to no cost. Keep it interesting, though. A radio station that only ran commercials wouldn’t attract much of an audience. Write for your target audience and offer quality content on a consistent basis.

Keep It Short: Coming up with content on a regular basis can be a struggle. Luckily, online readers tend to have shorter attention spans. After all, as quickly as they clicked on your site, they can click on another. That means, you don’t have to write 10,000 words per post. Posting short, easily digested information will encourage your viewers to spend more time reading your blog.

Syndicate Your Content: Once you’ve started producing content, spread it around. One of the many benefits of using social media for business is how easy it is to multiply your views by posting your content on multiple sites. Twitter and Facebook, for example, make it very easy to automate the process and quickly expand your influence online.

For more business blogging tips from The Ibis Network, click here and here.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

Facebook: Tips and Tricks For Realtors and Mortgage Professionals

As of July 2010, Facebook had more than 500 million active users. So if you’re among those who still don’t believe they need to incorporate social media into their networking strategy, ask yourself how many people you’re reaching with your current marketing approach. If the number is anywhere south of 700,000, it might be time to register for a Facebook fan page and give online marketing a try.

With a little time and effort, your Facebook page will quickly increase your ability to communicate with your community, advertise your services, network with other professionals, and meet people who may be looking to buy a home or refinance a loan.

Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your new Facebook page …

Invite Your Friends, Contacts, And Clients: You can’t attract people to your page without first letting them know it’s there. Invite everyone on your contact list to become a fan of your page. Then add a “Become a Fan” button to your website or blog and watch your visibility grow.

Take out an Ad: Sure, it’ll cost you but setting up a small ad on Facebook can lead to new fans and further promotion of your page. Add an image and a catchy headline and start cultivating the resulting relationships. More here.

Share Information: Share links and articles to establish yourself as an expert in your area. Post business updates on your wall. Include your newsletter subscription information on your page. Post info on upcoming events. Start a group page for your community. Ask questions. Answer questions. Get involved.

Customize Your Page: Add applications. Facebook provides easy-to-use applications that allow you to connect your page to your blog, Twitter, Flickr, and many other social-media sites. The more content and connectivity, the more opportunities there will be for people to find you and your fan page.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

Making The Most Of Your Active Rain Profile

Active Rain is the largest and most active social networking site for real-estate professionals. As such, it’s a perfect place to begin refining your online efforts. Use the tips below to maximize your profile or, if all else fails, grab some ideas from the nearly 200,000 profiles currently registered.

Start Blogging: Whether or not you already have a blog, Active Rain’s blogging tools are a great way to broaden your audience. If you’re already blogging, consider re-posting your blog posts on Active Rain or write supplementary information with a link back to the original post. If nothing else, the search-engine benefits alone make it worth while. Also spend some time reading through other posts on the site and offer a comment or some friendly encouragement. Like any social-media network, it’s about relationships. The more relationships you form, the more likely they lead to a potential referral partner or client.

Link Active Rain to Your Online Accounts: Having an online network is all but useless unless you keep your profiles fresh and full of content. So, wherever possible, link your social-media sites. Connect your Active Rain account to your Facebook page, or any other accounts you have. Having your profiles automatically updated will save you time and provide even more exposure for your business and services.

Take Advantage of Your Profile: On Active Rain, the more complete your profile, the more points you receive. The more points you receive, the more visible you are when people search for agents in your area. In other words, take some time and add a bio, testimonials, work experience, and any other pertinent background information to your profile. Use anchor text to link back to your business website, blog, or anything else you’d like to share.

Learn From Observation: If you get discouraged, scroll through Active Rain’s success stories for inspiration. Click through and see how other Realtors are using their Active Rain profiles. Steal an idea or two and apply it to your page. If it worked for them, there’s no reason it can’t work for you too.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

LinkedIn Networking Strategies For Realtors And Mortgage Professionals

LinkedIn, the business-oriented social networking site, has registered more than 70 million users in just seven years and a new member signs up approximately every second. Which is to say, if Twitter and Facebook haven’t enticed you into using social media to network and market your services, LinkedIn may be a safe place to start. What began as a way for job seekers to make connections and network within their industry, has become a viable way to build your business by maintaining contacts, making and receiving referrals, and participating in the community at large.

Once you’ve registered, try these tips and strategies to build your online presence and your business …

Join As Many Relevant Groups As Possible: LinkedIn offers the ability to join groups that will allow you to quickly build your network and connect with potential clients. Through alumni, industry, or regional associations, you will be able to locate and interact with people you may not have through your traditional networking efforts. Participating in those groups will increase your visibility and build relationships. Join real-estate related groups such as The National Association of Realtors or The National Association of Mortgage Brokers and start making connections.

Ask and Answer Questions: Once you’ve joined a few groups, post questions and answer a few others have posed. Joining discussions will expose you to even more people and position you as someone that has expertise in your area.

Work On Your Profile: Approach your LinkedIn profile the way you would your physical appearance when getting ready for a networking event. You wouldn’t, for example, wear flip-flops and sweatpants and expect to make anything but a bad impression. Fill in as much information as possible and pay special attention to the way you describe yourself and your experience. Make sure you’ve presented yourself in a way that would convince someone that they’d want to do business with you.

Do The Simple Stuff: Add a photo. Customize your public profile’s address. Use applications to fill out your profile. Link your site to your website and blog. Update regularly. Add contact information. Recommend others and seek out some for yourself. With some simple care and attention, your profile will be more compelling to visitors and more likely to result in a potentially profitable connection.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

Blogging For Realtors: The What, Why, and How of Real-Estate Blogs

Blogs have taken many forms since appearing on the virtual scene more than 10 years ago. But whether they were devoted to sharing vacation photos with family or attracting business, all blogs have one thing in common. Communication.

Which leads us to real-estate blogs. A good real-estate blog should be more than another advertisement for your services. Realtors who blog do so because it opens up another line of communication between them, their clients, and potential clients. What you blog is ultimately up to you, but sharing your knowledge and resources can only help give clients a better picture of who you are as a Realtor and a person. Giving them a one-stop source for easily digested information that will help them better understand their choices and their Realtor will only lead to more business and better business. It isn’t an instant fix, though. Here are five tips to being a better blogger and a better Realtor …

1. Position Yourself As The Expert:

A blog is an excellent way to set yourself apart from the crowd. If a potential client has a choice between you and other agents in your area, an informative and regularly updated blog will help position you as the expert in your region.

2. Be Social:

Social networking sites offer millions of additional viewers. Sharing your blog posts on sites such as Facebook and Twitter will boost your search engine results and the number of people you’re attracting to your blog.

3. Give It Time:

Many business blogs come to a quick end. That’s because blogging isn’t as easy as it may seem. Regularly updating your blog means coming up with content on a consistent basis. The more you blog, the more visible your blog will become. Update every day or many times a day and keep at it. 94 percent of business bloggers see the benefits within a year. Don’t give up after a month.

4. Commit To A Regimen:

Making a commitment to your blog means setting aside some time every day to monitor your stats, add content, respond to comments, and think of new ways to attract readers.

5. Use Video:

Video is an easy way to grab readers attention. Breaking up the text with videos makes your blog more reader friendly as well as providing you the opportunity to share useful information, educational videos, or advice from industry experts.

More blogging tips from The Ibis Network here.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

Realtors: The Art Of Reverse Prospecting

The Ibis Network offers free education, training, and professional-networking seminars for Realtors and loan officers.

This month, “The Coach” Bill Sparkman discusses reverse prospecting and passive marketing techniques for Realtors and real-estate professionals.


Topics include:

– How To Dramatically Increase Your Inbound Prospect Calls

– How To Turn Your Listing Into A Buyer Factory

– Growing Your Business Utilizing Passive Marketing


Bill Sparkman is one of America’s top sales trainers and motivational speakers. His approach to business and life has thrilled audiences since 1987. Bill’s “clipboard style” of educating was developed after a successful career in the world of sports as a player and a coach.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


If you’d like a free Real-Estate blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here:

If you’d like a free Mortgage blog designed for you… no strings attached – click here: