Twitter For Realtors: Who To Follow And How

Now that you’ve set up a Twitter page, you’re likely wondering how long it’ll be before a flood of followers are hanging on your every tweet. You’ve heard that businesses were using Twitter to attract clients and customers but your page hasn’t generated a single comment, let alone a legitimate lead. So what’s next?

The first thing you should do is stop thinking of your Twitter page as an advertisement. You can’t tweet into a vacuum and think somehow your information will land in front of the right people. Your Twitter page is a means of communication, which means it’s a two-way street. In other words, the quickest way to generate activity is to target and follow the people, businesses, and areas you hope to communicate with.

Do a quick search for real-estate related terms, local businesses, and anyone in your area that might be interested in buying or selling real estate. Because Twitter doesn’t require the people you follow to approve you first, there’s no need to hesitate. Follow any and all of the results.

More tips, tools, and info below …

  • 4 easy Twitter search tools for Realtors here
  • 6 Twitter tools for networking locally here
  • Who should real-estate agents follow here
  • 10 people every Realtor should follow here
  • A handy search tool for Twitter here

For more Twitter tips from The Ibis Network, click here and here.

Josh Millar / The Ibis Network /

To learn more about the Ibis Network’s Professional Networking Suite for Realtors and Mortgage Professionals which features these valuable marketing tools:

* Your own Real-Estate or Mortgage blog updated daily with original content
* Monthly e-newsletter ready to send to your contact list
* Social Media set-up on the 8 major networking sites
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO) of your business website


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4 thoughts on “Twitter For Realtors: Who To Follow And How

  1. Pingback: Social Media For Realtors: How To Stop Stalling And Start Building A Network Online « The Ibis Network

  2. Pingback: Twitter: 8 Easy Ways To Maximize Your Tweets « The Ibis Network

  3. Pingback: Social-Media Marketing: Promoting Your Online Efforts Offline « The Ibis Network

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