Tips To Increase Your Social-Media Click-Through Rate

Click-Through Rate

Websites are the hub of any business’s online marketing efforts, and where most people go to get questions answered, research your business, and gain trust. It is vital to promote your website across all of your social-media channels in order to drive the largest possible amount of traffic there. Here are a few things you can do to connect with future customers and give them a friendly push to visit your company website and increase social media engagement:

1. Have A Call-To-Action: Pique your viewers’ interest with a short and interesting post on any of your social-media sites, then incorporate a call-to-action that will link them back to your website. For example: “Find out more here” “Click here to win” “View more deals here”

2. Give Fans A Reason To Click: Grab your fans’ attention by posting an enticing picture, and a bold, interesting title. Keep in mind that many people do still judge a book by its cover. The initial attraction to the post will help bring fans to your site and significantly increase your click-through rate.

3. Keep It Concise: A long, drawn-out message may bore your viewers, and push them away from your page. Keep your message clear, easy to understand and short. Incorporate key points and add additional information on your landing page.

4. Provide An Exciting Landing Page: You have gone through all of the work getting people to visit your web page, once there you want them to stay and look around for a substantial period of time. Be sure your landing page holds their attention. You want your audience to be excited about your company and the ways in which you can help them. Use your landing page to provide further information about your business, and in-turn increase trust and familiarity.

Most importantly, avoid being overly solicitous. Heavy sales talk is a sure-fire way to lose someone’s interest.


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