Tag: Iphone

The Simplified Guide To Content and Social-Media Marketing

Change can be challenging for some and totally paralyzing for others. It’s among the reasons so many dismiss the benefits of taking their business online. It’s easier to retreat than it is to keep up with the ever-evolving nature of the Internet and its boundless opportunities. There is, however, a simpler way of thinking of […]

WordPress Made Easy: Top Plugins For Your Business Blog

Keeping a business blog can be an effective tool for branding your business, generating leads, and keeping in touch with clients, partners, and anyone else who stumbles across your site. It can also be a headache. That’s why you should be taking advantage of the large directory of plugins available to WordPress users. Plugins, like […]

Apps For Business: How To Stay Organized, Automated, And Connected

Chances are the first time you heard the Apple commercial proclaim “there’s an app for that,” you were relieved but wondering what an app was to begin with. Well, app is short for application. And, in this case, application is just another word for tool. Which means, apps are tools that perform particular functions whether […]

How To Become A Successful Email Marketer Without Annoying Your Mailing List

  From time to time, articles are written in newspapers and magazines declaring the death of email. And while it may be true among tech-savvy, 15-year-old iPhone users with Facebook and Twitter apps, for the rest of us, email remains an effective and popular way to stay in contact with clients, promote services, discount offers, […]

5 Essential iPhone, iPad, and Android Apps for Realtors

It used to be that telephones were just for making calls and only Bill Gates and NASA had computers. These days, however, technology has become increasingly affordable, mobile, and handheld. With smartphones, such as the iPhone and Android, and Apple’s iPad, it is easier than ever to access and transmit information from wherever you are. […]