Tag: Inbox

Email Marketing: Crafting Content That Your Mailing List Will Read

For all its high-tech bells and whistles, the Internet is really all about the written word. After all – whether you’re posting to your blog, tweeting, or updating your Facebook page – what you’re really doing is writing. Which means, spending a little time thinking about your writing could make a big difference in the […]

Three Email Marketing Tips To Remember Before Hitting Send

Email isn’t any less personal than any other form of communication. It may feel that way because, unlike a telephone or a face-to-face meeting, there isn’t any direct and immediate feedback. But your inbox is your inbox. Which means, you don’t want to spend your time sifting through hundreds of unsolicited and incomprehensible messages any […]

Three Common Social Media Mistakes To Avoid

Doing something well requires practice. And practice requires patience. After all, it’s going to take a while to get good at whatever it is and, in the meantime, you’ll have to grow accustomed to the feeling of failure. The same goes for starting a social-media campaign. There’s no reason to expect you’ll have more fans […]