Tag: Failure

The Failures of Success

Performing on the high wire without a safety net is not a way I’d suggest to learn from failure. Odds are, your first time on the tight rope, you’ll make a mistake. On the plus side, you’ll probably only make one, so you got that goin’ for ya. But in life, as in business, failure […]

Email Marketing: Crafting Content That Your Mailing List Will Read

For all its high-tech bells and whistles, the Internet is really all about the written word. After all – whether you’re posting to your blog, tweeting, or updating your Facebook page – what you’re really doing is writing. Which means, spending a little time thinking about your writing could make a big difference in the […]

Three Common Social Media Mistakes To Avoid

Doing something well requires practice. And practice requires patience. After all, it’s going to take a while to get good at whatever it is and, in the meantime, you’ll have to grow accustomed to the feeling of failure. The same goes for starting a social-media campaign. There’s no reason to expect you’ll have more fans […]