Category: Social Media Tips

Time Management Tips for Social-Media Marketing

Social media and digital marketing are undeniably essential for any business to thrive and compete. It has truly become the fastest form of advertising; everything is constantly being updated and changed. As a social media manager, no matter the time of the day or week, there is always more that can be accomplished. Social media moves […]

5 Reasons to Consider Direct Messaging

Engagement is probably the most important word in marketing today. It’s also overused and poorly understood on a lot of levels. How do you measure engagement and interest? Even Facebook questions the metrics designed to answer these questions. Nate Elliott, VP and Principal Analyst at Forrester Research, published a report called Stop Measuring Engagement. The […]

Quick Social-Media Tip

Visual Marketing – Marketing is going visual and you need to do the same.  Embed text and your business info in relevant graphics to post.  Pinterest, using image sharing, has broken records with its growth.  Pictures are also the mostly widely used and shared method of posting on Facebook.