Category: Networking Strategy

Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn: Finding The Social Media Site That Works For Your Business

If you were opening a restaurant or shoe store or even a lemonade stand, finding the right location would be among your top priorities. After all, a spot on a popular street with a lot of pedestrian traffic would be more beneficial than, say, holding your grand opening 100 miles from any recognizable sign of […]

Ideas, Inspiration, And Where To Go When Your Blog Is Blank

Face it. You’re no Hemingway. And frankly, you don’t need to be. Keeping a business blog doesn’t require you to be a literary giant but it will require you to come up with some topics to write about. In the end, knowing what to write is more important than knowing how to write. Which means, […]

How To Become A Successful Email Marketer Without Annoying Your Mailing List

  From time to time, articles are written in newspapers and magazines declaring the death of email. And while it may be true among tech-savvy, 15-year-old iPhone users with Facebook and Twitter apps, for the rest of us, email remains an effective and popular way to stay in contact with clients, promote services, discount offers, […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of Email Marketing, Social Media, and Blogs

When doing anything for the first time, it’s important to know where to begin. You wouldn’t, for example, start a race three feet from the finish line. And, if you did, you’d likely be disqualified. Online marketing is no different. Following some basic do’s and don’ts can be the difference between a successful social-media campaign […]

Writing For Readers: How To Craft Blog Content That Attracts A Crowd

Unless your business is writing, keeping a business blog doesn’t mean you have to be a wordsmith. It doesn’t require that you have a flair for sentence structure, a stockpile of four-syllable words, or unparalleled wit and wisdom either. In fact, successful online content is less about your way with the written word and more […]

Three Common Social Media Mistakes To Avoid

Doing something well requires practice. And practice requires patience. After all, it’s going to take a while to get good at whatever it is and, in the meantime, you’ll have to grow accustomed to the feeling of failure. The same goes for starting a social-media campaign. There’s no reason to expect you’ll have more fans […]

Content Creation or How To Put The Media in Your Social-Media Campaign

Fortunately, all you need to know about social media is contained right in its name. It’s social, meaning you’ll have to participate and engage your community. And it’s media, meaning it’s a form of communication no different than a radio or television station. The difference is it’s your radio or television station. And that’s where […]