Author: theibisnetwork

The Failures of Success

Performing on the high wire without a safety net is not a way I’d suggest to learn from failure. Odds are, your first time on the tight rope, you’ll make a mistake. On the plus side, you’ll probably only make one, so you got that goin’ for ya. But in life, as in business, failure […]

Does Your Landing Page Convert?

Like many things in marketing and advertising, advertising online is effective when all the pieces come together. Lots of great ideas don’t live up to expectations because the system fails at some point. That point might be the first thing your potential customers see when they arrive at your site from one of your advertisements. […]

4 Facebook Advertising Tips

Facebook is known to every person you know. And probably every person they know. It’s ubiquitous, it’s everywhere and it is involved in most everything. Having a party? Make an event on Facebook and invite everyone you know. Have a major announcement? Put it up on Facebook, everyone will see it. But what about your […]

Keep Your Eye on the Boomerang Buyers

For any one older than 7 years old, you probably will remember 2008. That was the year the American economy almost drove itself off a cliff. How anyone survived that crash is something historians will debate, and citizens will be paying for, for decades. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your take, the credit market has […]