How to Increase Your Email Marketing List


Many businesses do not believe email marketing lists work, and thus miss out on the opportunity to use to them. Email is one of the most used communication channels in the world and can also be the most effective. At least 91% of consumers check their email every day, making email an incredibly viable source of marketing. Below are some ways to increase your email list:

1) Hold contests – Holding contests is an excellent way to drive traffic to your business. Sending out an email offering an incentive, like a discount or a contest, will entice your customers to engage more. A well planned and themed contest will stay in your customers’ minds, and keep them coming back.

2) Create an easy sign-up form – Customers don’t like what they consider Spam, or unwanted/unsolicited emails. Having an email list sign-up form is a terrific way to retain your invested fans, who will be interested in, and want to receive the emails you send out. Having a sign-up link on your website and other social-media sites will allow new people to sign up, as well.

3) Offer incentives to sign up – Sometimes all people need is a little nudge to finish making their decision about signing up for a newsletter. Offering a unique and enticing incentive will help convince them to give you a shot.

4) Offer free programs – Offering free, premium accounts for signing up for your email list will help consumers realize that you are there to help. It will build trust through action, and in turn, leave them with a great experience.


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