By now, you’ve probably heard the positive benefits gratitude can have in your personal life, with things like gratitude journals becoming very popular. But learning to communicate gratitude can also be highly beneficial in your professional life as well. It can give you a boost in multiple areas and make your overall work-life a bit more pleasant. Here are three key areas where it can have an impact:
With Clients
Your clients probably thank you for your services all the time, but those clients are also incredibly valuable to you. Without them, what would your business be? Expressing gratitude to clients can really elevate their experience and help you stand out as a top-notch professional. Ending a meeting with a simple thank you is great, but professionals can take it a step further. For loan officers, for example, when a client closes on their loan, a handwritten thank you can be a powerful demonstration of who you are as a professional. Showing clients that you appreciate them makes them more likely to give you their repeat business and to send you referrals.
With Coworkers
When you work in an industry where teamwork is a part of the job, gratitude is key. It can be one of the single most important elements that help a team function well. Sure, everyone might be great at his or her own job, but if no one is valuing what anyone else is doing, the energy of the team can take a hit. Gratitude paves the way for positivity and open communication. It helps every team member see the importance of their role and feel seen by their coworkers. How we express gratitude to our coworkers is often based on the existing work culture. If you work in an office where it’s common to thank one another for the work you do, that’s great. If not, you can start the change. You don’t need to make a fuss, just a simple thank you can go a long way.
With Yourself
Finding meaning and value in our own work is incredibly important when it comes to staying engaged and preventing burnout. Gratitude can be a great tool to help you do this. When you take just a bit of time to appreciate the work you’re able to do, the job you have, the career you’re building — you’re supporting a mindset of success. Gratitude can also help keep stress levels low. When you’re in a challenging time at work, spending even thirty seconds to highlight a few things that you’re grateful for can give you the mental energy you need to push through.
Gratitude certainly has a place in our professional lives. Regularly expressing our appreciation can benefit multiple aspects of our business. How are you communicating gratitude when it comes to your work life? I’d love to hear your thoughts.