Category: Ibis Insider

Keep Your Eye on the Boomerang Buyers

For any one older than 7 years old, you probably will remember 2008. That was the year the American economy almost drove itself off a cliff. How anyone survived that crash is something historians will debate, and citizens will be paying for, for decades. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on your take, the credit market has […]

Build your Customer Persona

Your business success is tied to how well you market yourself. And in order to make your marketing efforts a success, you’ll need to understand your target audience.  You’ll need to focus your efforts on what they do and who they are. The idea being that if you are marketing to people outside of your focus […]

Mortgage, Disrupted

Where do you get your ice, and why is the answer an insight to the future of the mortgage industry? Your ice has a back story filled with lessons on the nature of disruptive technology, and it may be more similar to the mortgage industry than it appears on the surface. What Disruptive Technology is on the way? […]

Warm up to Cold Calling

It’s hard to stand out in the lending marketplace. If someone does a quick search online for mortgage brokers or loan officers, they’ll go dizzy from all the options they find. While you’re potentially one of the better options in town, it only matters if your prospective business partners connect with you — if and when they find you. We’ve […]