Category: Ibis Insider

We Completely Redesigned The Ibis Network Website. Here’s Why.

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, then you’ve undoubtedly noticed two things: first, we’ve been quiet for a while; and second, things look a little different around here. Actually, a lot different. Rest assured, you’re not imagining things. You also may have noticed that this is the second time in a year we’ve […]

4 Mortgage CRM Systems (+1)

A good CRM system (Customer Relationship Management) is probably one of the most valuable systems that any small business can implement. It is a central repository for the company’s data input from the front lines, and in many cases can have more influence on the company and its organization than any other system, person or […]

Blogging Ideas: Select The Best Topic for Your Business Blog

Welcome to part 2(b) of our practical, real-life, down-in-the-weeds Getting Started Guide to building your own business blog! The Guide is broken down into four parts: Understanding Your Business and Your Customers Picking A Topic for Your Blog (A Good One!) Creating (and Maintaining) A Publishing Schedule Creating A Promotion Plan Part 2(a) was back […]

The Failures of Success

Performing on the high wire without a safety net is not a way I’d suggest to learn from failure. Odds are, your first time on the tight rope, you’ll make a mistake. On the plus side, you’ll probably only make one, so you got that goin’ for ya. But in life, as in business, failure […]

Does Your Landing Page Convert?

Like many things in marketing and advertising, advertising online is effective when all the pieces come together. Lots of great ideas don’t live up to expectations because the system fails at some point. That point might be the first thing your potential customers see when they arrive at your site from one of your advertisements. […]