Category: Ibis Insider

Where do you get reliable mortgage regulatory compliance information?

[su_youtube_advanced url=”” showinfo=”no” rel=”no” wmode=”transparent”] In this video, Rich Leffler from AxSellerated Development discusses the current state of mortgage regulatory compliance requirements.  Rich focuses on the importance of keeping yourself up to date on all regulations due to the reality that the responsibility falls on individual loan officers to be aware of the regulations that govern their work. The […]

Reverse Mortgage Marketing: Should You Market Online? 

Recently,  I ran across a discussion on a LinkedIn group discussing reverse mortgage marketing. It was a group of RM professionals discussing some interesting questions about their products, clients, and social-media marketing. The point that particularly piqued my interest was about marketing their products in social channels.  In particular, one poster asked “why market where older people don’t […]

Content for Inbound Marketing

Content and inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is marketing people don’t hate, and it starts with good content. It’s relevant information that your target audience searches for, and its goal is a resulting action on their part. At its heart, content communicates with your target market without pitching them. If I sell goldfish, and I write an […]

120,000 new mortgages

How many underwater mortgages does it take to change the rules? The answer is north of 120,000. As of November 25th, that is the number of homes currently heading toward default that will be eligible for repurchase by the previous mortgage holders. The change in policy creates the opportunity for people to purchase their foreclosed […]