The Power of Positivity

For ambitious professionals, success is likely a top priority. But it isn’t the only thing that matters in the workplace. If you’re unhappy in your work, burnt out, and pessimistic, that success becomes more difficult to achieve. Even if you do find the success you’re seeking, with a negative mindset, you’re not likely to be able to appreciate it or maintain it. A positive mindset is a powerful tool for professionals today. It serves them in multiple areas of their business, and it helps them achieve and maintain long-lasting success. Here’s why I think it’s so important:


Our attitude often dictates how we approach our work. When we have a negative attitude, it can be difficult to connect to the meaning in what we’re doing. We’re not as motivated to engage, and even the smallest things that go wrong can cause our stress levels to spike. On the flip side, when we think positively, we tend to stay inspired. We’re eager to do our work and we approach it with curiosity and determination.


When you have a negative attitude, you tend to think about what could go wrong. You focus on your limitations and the reasons you have failed in the past. Not surprisingly, this isn’t great fuel for setting and achieving goals. When we’re more positive though, we focus on possibility. It’s not that we ignore the potential for things to go wrong, but we focus on the potential for them to go right instead. This leads to more ambitious goals and a strong commitment to seeing them through.


Positive people tend to be more productive. They’re not weighed down by negative thoughts, and they tend to be less stressed. Because they’re in a healthy place mentally, they’re able to work at an optimal pace. On the other hand, negative thinking can lead to procrastination and distraction, slowing down our workflow.


The way we interact with others is largely dependent on our mindset and attitude. Whether it’s networking with new connections, working with clients, or collaborating with coworkers, a positive mindset supports fruitful connections. It makes us more confident, open to new ideas, and more likable overall. When you have a negative attitude, the people you interact with can often sense it. You may appear more reserved, feel threatened by others in your industry, or seem disengaged or rushed. None of these fosters valuable connection.

Work Culture

Positivity isn’t just something in our heads, it’s also something that can be perceived in the overall energy of an office. It’s a significant part of work culture that can be hard to quantify, but easy to pick up on. It’s in the way employees work together as a team, it’s people who are motivated to do their work, its people who enjoy coming into the office. These things all contribute to a healthy work culture.


While it’s no doubt important to focus on success, it shouldn’t be at the expense of positivity. A positive mindset is a powerful force that can support you throughout your career. How important do you find positivity in your work life? I’d love to hear your thoughts.