Marketing Personas Examples PLUS FREE Template

Are You Effectively Using Marketing Personas?

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Your First Marketing Persona

Is your marketing as effective as it can be? If not, you may want to use this methodology favored by professional marketers. Before you write anything — a blog post, a new web page, a billboard, a flyer — make sure you have created at least one marketing persona that you’ll be targeting. Ideally, create as many as you need. Then make sure that the piece you’re creating will explicitly appeal to at least one of those personae.

But what, exactly, is a marketing persona, and how do you go about creating and using one?

  1. Get marketing persona templates in Microsoft Word and PDF formats.
  2. An introductory PDF slide deck, covering marketing personas at a high level.
  3. A complete, step-by-step guide on how to create a persona.
  4. Side-by-side examples, and a completed PDF example.

Our template and examples give you step-by-step instructions on how to create marketing personae for your company. Once you start down this path, you’ll wonder how you ever did without them — and your marketing results are sure to improve!

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